DATE: 17-MAY-29
TO: All Toastmasters in the Universe
FROM: Your Conference Marketing Chair, Obi-Laurel
RE: Become a JEDI Toastmaster

We want to impress upon you the benefits of attending the Toastmasters District 23 Fall Conference. Attendance at the conference will lead you towards becoming a Voice Master within the JEDI Toastmasters Organization.

Join Toastmasters from New Mexico, West Texas, and the most important part of Oklahoma (the section in District 23). One of the best parts of a Toastmaster District Conference is the people! Meet and learn from the very best Toastmasters in the District. Make new friends and network.

Energize your passion for Toastmasters. District Conferences allow you as a member to refocus your goals and pinpoint which goals you will pursue to enhance your professional and personal life.

Develop yourself. Learn successful tips and techniques to accomplish your educational goals. Every conference attendee should leave with at least one or two techniques to bring back to their club. The more members from each club who attend, the more tips you will gain!

Invest in your future. Make no mistake: The District 23 Fall Conference is a professional development event.

Opportunities are exemplified by the outstanding keynote speakers. You do not want to miss the chance to hear, learn from, and meet Patricia Fripp. She is a Hall of Fame Keynote speaker, presentation skills authority, and sales presentation skills expert. George Gilbert; speaker, author, and motivational humorist, can grab the attention of the most powerful, including Darth Vader. In 2001 “due to his professionalism and outstanding achievements in public speaking,” he became the 50th person in the world to achieve the Accredited Speaker designation.

Immediately, at light speed, register here for the Toastmasters 2017 District 23 Fall conference.


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