What is the Global Advertising Campaign?

District 23 has invested funds to allow Toastmasters International (TI) to advertise in our geographic area through LinkedIn. This campaign is designed to increase Toastmasters brand awareness to non-members.

These campaigns have run in other geographic regions previously, and have received tremendous results: 60 Million viewer impressions and 150,000 click-throughs where people took action!

TI will provide two different ads and a special landing page for individuals to learn more about Toastmasters. They are also providing a free downloadable document that offers reasons to join Toastmasters, and public speaking tips. Examples of the ads:

Toastmasters ads

When is the campaign running?

Toastmasters International will run ads through LinkedIn beginning January 8, 2024 for 90 days. 2024 will be the year of Toastmasters’ strongest ads to date! They have taken information gathered from previous campaigns and improved them.

What does it mean for your club?

You may start seeing many inquiries and guests for your club!

You will need to make sure that your club contact information is correct at Toastmasters.org, and that the person who receives inquiries about your club is someone responsive. They will need to respond to prospective member leads within 48 hours.

What do you have to do?

Get Ready

Download, review, and take action from the Global Advertising Campaign Preparation Tips sheet.

Prepare for Your Guests and Follow Up

Download, review, and take action from the Prospective Member Conversion Guide.

Guests only become members when you follow up with them and ask them to join!

Make it Easy on Yourself

Follow up in a professional, thorough, and timely manner.

Use this template for a Prospective Member Follow-Up Email.

Engage & Share

If you’re on Linked in, either as a a club or an individual, be sure to engage with the ads if you see them. Comment what Toastmasters has done for you or any hesitations you may have had before joining. And be sure to share the ad as well. All of this will ensure that more people will see it.


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