Listed below are the clubs winning the free conference registrations. Please note the registrations are property of the clubs and each club can determine which one of its members gets the registration. The free registration must be used by a member of that club for the Fall Conference in Amarillo. (If a member who is to receive the registration has already registered, we can work reimbursement to that member.)

The drawing for the free registrations was based on one drawing for clubs with 4-6 officers trained at the Fall TLIs; another drawing for clubs with seven officers trained at the Fall TLIs; and final drawing for a mix of all clubs having 4-7 trained officers at the Fall TLIs:

Lubbock #884, Pres Guyilherme Picinin; Division F, F61

Midday Madness #6220, Pres Cheryl Schindele; Division B, B24

Albuquerque Challenge #4581, Pres Randy Cooper; Division B, B22