TI President Pat Johnson, Bay Stevens, Tracy Thomason, TK O'Geary, Donna LaBatt, Harvey Dove, Linda Leazar, John Leazar & Jana Barnhill

There’s just over one month left in the Smedley Award and that’s plenty of time to get new members into your club and receive awards for both Toastmasters International’s Smedley Award and the additional rewards offered by District 23.

District 23’s Rewards
For every new, dual, or reinstated member that your club adds between July 1 and September 30, 2011, your club will receive a $5 Gift Certificate to the Toastmasters International store. Your club can purchase any TI supply items with this money, but your district officers suggest getting a spiffy new banner for your club. The district received one at the recent International Convention and it is sharp!

The Smedley Award
Add just 5 new, dual, or reinstated member to your club’s roster between August 1 and September 30, 2011, and you’ll receive a Smedley Award ribbon to display on your club banner as well as a special discount code for 10% off your next club order from the TI store … which will work together very well with all those $5 Gift Certificates that your club earned!

For a listing of members & clubs who have won rewards from District 23, please check out the LGM Incentives Earned article.

For more information on the Smedley Award and other Toastmasters International sponsored membership contests, please see the Membership Building Contests article.